Moth Flight’s Vision Review

Hello. You found the extras. Warriors review part five is WAY too long. So long that it was lagging my website so here’s Moth Flight’s Vision. Spoiler alert, I hated it.

Moth Flight’s Vision (2015)


We follow Moth Flight, the daughter of Wind Runner and Gorse Fur. She is heavily coded to be ADHD, which I think was on purpose. She has a hard time staying focus on tasks like hunting and is instead more fascinated in plants and herbs. This frustrates her mother who believes she is too flighty to be useful to the Clan. Moth Flight has weird dreams where cats in the future receive their nine lives. She doesn’t know what this means. She sees a green moth and follows it around. Eventually, she runs into Micah, a barn cat who had dreams about her. Now that he’s seen her for real, he believes his destiny is tied to hers. They go to Highstones and discover the Moonstone. There, proto-StarClan tells her that she, Cloud Spots of ThunderClan, Pebble Heart of ShadowClan, Dappled Pelt of RiverClan, and Micah who later joins SkyClan are medicine cats now. That’s it. Moth Flight, despite being the one who is said to have created the rank, did not actually create anything.

“You have strengths no other cat has,” Half Moon went on. “Of course curiosity is no good for a hunter, nor is an open mind. A hunter must focus on the prey in front of his nose. He misses the things that you notice.”

Moth Flight struggled to understand. “But all I see are stars in puddles and interesting plants!”

“You saw this cave in your dreams,” Half Moon pointed out. “You clearly have a stronger connection with us than any other cat has.”

“But other cats have seen you!” Moth Flight argued.

“That was at the beginning. Before the Clans had found their way. Now things must change.” Half Moon glanced around her starry companions. “The Clans need more than leadership and strength; they need nurture and care. But it must come from within. We can’t guide their paws in everything. That is why we have chosen you to be the first medicine cat.”

Pgs 168-169

All of my hate and rage. This is my main problem with this book. The Erins don’t put in any effort in writing an actual origin story for the medicine cat position. What’s baffling to me is that Moth Flight’s arc is so obvious and they ignore it completely. We are shown in the very early chapters that Moth Flight struggles with hunting and doing other tasks her mother wants her to do. Before she met Micah, she had a huge fight with her mother. As she was following the moth, she wandered out onto the road in front of an incoming car and had to be saved by Gorse Fur, her father- putting them both in danger. Wind Runner, angered and terrified, yells at her and calls her a danger to the Clan. Moth Flight’s arc has been established right then and there. She feels like a failure. Wind Runner does not understand her. She believes her mother hates her. So she runs off and eventually stumbles across the Moonstone. There, she could have chatted with StarClan and they tell her that she is not a failure and that she is destined for something more. Instead of them just telling her what to do, she thinks on her strengths and interests. She thinks on how much she likes plants and remembers that Cloud Spots, Pebble Heart and Dappled Pelt talked about using herbs for healing at the last Gathering. She approached them there and even asked them about the herbs, but was interrupted by her brother Dust Muzzle, who pulled her aside when the Gathering was starting. She reflects on this and decides that she can talk to one of them again. Since ShadowClan is closer and she doesn’t feel like going home yet, she goes to ShadowClan to talk to Pebble Heart. Everyone respects Pebble Heart and his skills. She reflects on how he doesn’t hunt for his group all the time. Since Tall Shadow is cool, she is allowed in. She talks to Pebble Heart about healing with herbs and she mentions that she spoke to the spirit cats at the Moonstone. He is amazed and tells her about the weird dreams he has sometimes. She tells him that she has weird dreams too and they bond on this. She stays in ShadowClan for a little while because she doesn’t want to go back home yet. There, Pebble Heart teaches her some healing herbs and she helps heal some basic wounds and problems on ShadowClan cats. Eventually, her brother and father come and fetch her after Tall Shadow tells them that she is hanging out in ShadowClan. Dust Muzzle and Gorse Fur tell Tall Shadow that a newcomer of theirs, Rocky, has a chest infection. Pebble Heart goes to help, but once they arrive, he makes Moth Flight his assistant. She is really good with herbs and knows exactly what to do. Blah blah blah, I’m writing fan fiction again. You get it. She impresses her mother with her skills and eventually she creates the rank and establishes their rules and traditions. Perhaps she can even receive a prophecy from StarClan about an upcoming danger and she can use that to show off her importance to the group etc etc.

My whole point is that we see Moth Flight create this role for herself. We see her convince her mother that she is a vital member of the Clan. We see her consult with the other medicine cats and learn. She is the one who comes up with the rank name “medicine cat.” She is the one who establishes that medicine cats are allowed to share herbs and cross borders. She is the one who establishes that medicine cats are the spiritual guides of the Clans. We should have seen her do these things! This is supposed to be the origin story for a vital role in the Clans. Moth Flight, who is neurodivergent coded, could’ve been great rep for neurodivergent kids. The world doesn’t understand them, it looks down on them, and tries to force them into roles they do not fit into. So instead of listening to the world, Moth Flight forges her own role that is beneficial to her and to her community, showing kids that they can do the same. They’re not waste of space. They’re not useless. They can do great things and bring great change to their own communities. Moth Flight’s Vision could’ve been a fantastic, heartwarming, and inspiring story, but NO. The Erins are too fucking lazy to even try! They just have the gods tell Moth Flight that she is a medicine cat, that she needs to recruit these list of cats, and then come back to the Moonstone on the next half moon. She is stripped of all of her agency in her own fucking story! They keep doing this over and over and it’s horrible every single time! And the book only gets worse from here.

Since this book is not actually about the creation of the medicine cat rank, we are forced to witness cringe ass “romance” garbage between Moth Flight and boring nobody Micah. He and Moth Flight run around, tell everybody about the position, exchange information with the other medicine cats, and heal people for too many pages, “falling in love” in the process. Meanwhile, tension between WindClan and SkyClan is growing hot. WindClan cat Willow Tail doesn’t like the SkyClan cat Red Claw because, when they were rogues in Slash’s group, he accidentally led a dog to their camp which led to some cats dying. She doesn’t trust him and accuses SkyClan of stealing prey and shit. Blah blah, later on an old WindClan cat named Rocky contracts a chest infection. Cloud Spots suggests using some tree sap which grows in SkyClan’s territory. When they go to gather up the sap, Clear Sky loses his fucking mind per usual. We then get this hilarious scene. It’s super long I know, but you need to read the absurdity. The stuff in brackets is my own commentary.

“What are you doing here?” Clear Sky stalked into the glade, his broad shoulders rippling. An angry snarl curled his lip.

“We need medicine for Rocky,” Moth Flight explained. “He’s really sick.”

“Don’t you have herbs on the moor?” Clear Sky stopped a whisker from her nose. She backed away, shocked by the menace in his mew.

“We need sap from this tree.” She glanced toward Micah. Leaves shivered around him, high among the branches.

Clear Sky jerked his muzzle up. “Is that my medicine cat?” Yellow fur showed between the leaves as Micah climbed higher.

“He’s helping me,” Moth Flight explained.

“Get off my land,” Clear Sky hissed at her.

Moth Flight stiffened. “I’m not hunting!”

“WindClan seem to think that borders only work one way!”

“That’s not true.” Moth Flight’s hackles rose. “It’s SkyClan who’s been stealing moor prey!” Clear Sky’s blue gaze turned to ice. … Moth Flight froze, wishing she hadn’t spoken. … “I’m just a medicine cat,”… “I only want to get sap to cure Rocky! As soon as Micah finds some bark, I’ll take it and leave.”

“You’re not taking anything from SkyClan territory,” Clear Sky snarled.

“But Rocky might die without it!”

“That’s not my problem!”

Moth Flight couldn’t believe her ears. How could any cat be so cruel? [It’s Clear Sky. He is cruel by default. He never learned from his actions.]

“Moth Flight?” Micah’s mew sounded from high among the branches. “Are you okay?”

Clear Sky glanced upward. “She will be. If she goes home.”

Leaves shivered on a branch and Micah stuck out his head. “Clear Sky? What are you doing here?”

“It’s my territory!” Clear Sky yowled. “Or had you forgotten?”

Micah blinked at him. “Of course not, but we need to get some sap for R—”

Clear Sky cut him off. “Stop playing the hero for your little WindClan friend. Your loyalty is to me. Get down from there!” [But you don’t even like him! Why should he stay loyal to you when you treat him like shit?!]

“I’m a medicine cat,” Micah called back. “It’s my duty to cure cats.”

“It’s your duty to cure your Clanmates,” Clear Sky hissed. “Not every cat you meet.”

Anger flared in Moth Flight’s belly. “We can’t let cats die, just because they belong to a different Clan!”

Clear Sky narrowed his eyes. “Are you telling me how to lead my Clan?” [That’s not what she said nor implied.]

“Someone needs to!” Moth Flight snapped. “You’re a fox-heart!” [FACTS.]

Eyes flashing with rage, Clear Sky lashed out and raked her muzzle. Shocked, she recoiled.

“Leave her alone!” Micah began to climb down.

“I will if she gets out of here,” Clear Sky snarled.

“Stay where you are, Micah!” Moth Flight dug her claws into the earth. She forced her mew not to tremble. “Rocky needs the sap. I can’t let him die.”

Brown fur showed at the top of the glade. Red Claw! Moth Flight spotted him with a spark of relief. Perhaps he could talk some sense into his leader. The SkyClan tom padded down the slope and stopped beside Clear Sky. “Is WindClan trying to start another fight?” His gaze swept Moth Flight, cold with disdain. …

Above, a branch shook. “I’m coming down!” Micah called.

“No!” Moth Flight ignored the fear sparking beneath her pelt. “Rocky needs the bark.” She narrowed her eyes, glaring defiantly at Clear Sky. “You can do what you like to me. I’m not leaving.”

Red Claw glanced uneasily at Clear Sky. “She’s hardly more than a kit.”

“There’s no need to hurt her.” Clear Sky lifted his gaze to Micah. “Stop him from getting the bark. She can return to her camp, but she’ll go with empty paws.” [I will never understand what the Erins are trying to achieve with this character.] Red Claw nodded and raced for the tree. Leaping, he clung to the bark and pulled himself onto the first branch.

“Watch out, Micah!” Moth Flight wailed. “Red Claw’s coming!”

A growl rumbled ominously in Clear Sky’s throat. “I knew I should never have taken him in.” [But you were just demanding loyalty from him earlier. I-]

Moth Flight blinked at him. “But he cured your kit!”

“Acorn Fur could have cured Tiny Branch.”

“No she couldn’t!” Moth Flight spat back. “She knew nothing about healing until Micah came and taught her.” [Exactly! What the fuck is wrong with Clear Sky?] Clear Sky’s gaze didn’t move from the tree. He was watching Red Claw scramble through the branches. Micah was still climbing, close to the top now. Moth Flight’s chest swelled with rage. “You’re lucky to have a cat like Micah in your Clan!” she growled. “He’s the bravest and cleverest cat I’ve ever met.”

“You’re the clever one,” Clear Sky snarled. “You’re here, with your paws safely on the ground. He thinks he’s got wings.”

Moth Flight lifted her chin. “You’ve never given him a fair chance!” she growled. “He left his friends to help your Clan, and you treat him like a prisoner! You’ve made Acorn Fur spy on him! I wish he’d leave you and join WindClan!”

Clear Sky turned on her. “No one leaves my Clan without permission!” [BUT YOU DON’T EVEN LIKE HIM!!]

Brambles trembled at the top of the slope. Willow Tail burst out, her pelt bushed. “What’s going on here?” She bounded down the slope, pushing herself between Moth Flight and Clear Sky.

Clear Sky stared at her. “Another WindClan cat! Can’t you smell boundaries?”

Willow Tail nudged Moth Flight away and faced the SkyClan leader. “I was worried about Moth Flight when I smelled her trail cross the border. I wanted to make sure she was okay.”

“I’m fine,” Moth Flight told her. “It’s Micah who’s in trouble.” She nodded toward Red Claw, who was only a few tail-lengths behind Micah. “He’s trying to stop Micah from getting the bark we need to cure Rocky!”

Willow Tail’s eyes blazed with anger. “Red Claw! I might have known. He was trouble when we were rogues together and he’s still trouble now.” Pelt bushing, she raced for the tree and scooted up it, as nimble as a squirrel. Leaves showered down as she scrambled up the trunk. As she disappeared among the leaves, a lower branch trembled and Micah stuck his head out. A long strip of bark hung from his jaws. Scrambling onto the next branch down, he leaped for the trunk and dropped tail-first toward the ground. Landing lightly, he hurried toward Moth Flight and laid the bark at her paws. It glistened in the sunshine, sap oozing from its flesh. “I got it!”

Delight fizzed beneath her pelt. “Thank you!” She pressed her nose against his cheek.

Clear Sky hissed. “How dare you!” Tail lashing, he kicked the bark away. [HAHAHAHA! He’s being comedically evil at this point.]

“No!” Moth Flight leaped after it, trying to rescue it before leaf litter soiled the precious sap.

Clear Sky faced Micah, ears flat. “I actually believed that you might become one of the Clan,” he spat. “But you can’t be trusted.” His gaze flicked to Moth Flight. “How can you steal for WindClan?”

“It’s not stealing!” Micah faced him. “Herbs belong to all cats.”

A screech sounded above them. “Murderer!” Willow Tail’s cry rang out across the forest.

“Thief!” Red Claw shrieked back.

High up, the leaves exploded around the fighting cats. Micah jerked his muzzle up. “They’ll kill each other!” Spraying earth behind him, he leaped toward the tree and hauled himself into the branches. “Take the bark to Rocky!” he called back to Moth Flight.

Moth Flight froze. I can’t leave! Not until Micah was safe. “Come back!” she wailed. Let them kill each other if they want! Guilt flared through her. She was meant to protect cats, not wish them dead! Her paws were rooted to the ground as Micah’s yellow pelt flashed among the leaves. He swarmed upward, toward the trembling branches where Red Claw and Willow Tail fought. Brown fur crashed through the leaves. Red Claw swung from a branch for a moment before scrambling back on. Willow Tail balanced farther along, her hind paws trembling as she lashed out, blow after blow, with her forepaws. Red Claw backed away, the end of the branch only a tail-length behind him. It dipped perilously as he retreated from Willow Tail’s punishing swipes.

“Stop!” Micah’s mew rang out behind them. Moth Flight strained to see him. She could make out his yellow pelt among the green leaves. He was moving slowly along the branch. “Stop!” he ordered again.

Willow Tail glanced at him. “Stay out of this,” she snarled. “It’s not your battle.”

“It’s not any cat’s battle!” Micah called. “I’ve got the bark. Moth Flight’s taking it to Rocky. There’s no point in fighting now.”

Red Claw stopped near the end of the branch, his tail thrashing wildly as he fought to keep his balance. “Let’s at least fight like cats, not crows! On the ground where cats are meant to be!”

Willow Tail narrowed her eyes. “You always were a mouse-heart!” She advanced slowly toward the SkyClan tom.

“Stop!” Micah followed her along the branch, lifting a paw to grab for her tail. He wobbled, fear flashing in his eyes.

Moth Flight gasped. “Be careful!”

Micah dug his claws into the branch, clinging like a vine. The branch creaked beneath him. Dry bark fluttered down like dust. Fear flared through Moth Flight as she noticed that the leaves around Red Claw were withered and brown. With a jolt, she realized that the branch they were on was dying.

“Get back!” she cried. It creaked again. “The branch is rotten!”

Beside her, Clear Sky backed away. A crack split the air. The world seemed to slow as the branch bent, then snapped, the wood screaming as it tore away from the tree and dropped. She saw Red Claw fall, flailing. Willow Tail dropped beside him, her legs thrashing the air. Red Claw caught hold of a branch and swung, forepaws clinging hard. Willow Tail hit the bough below, yowling with shock as she scrambled to cling on. The rotten branch hurtled down and smashed onto the ground, shards of wood strafing Moth Flight’s flank. She screwed up her eyes, scrabbling away as the world seemed to explode around her. Then silence fell. A moment later, leaves rustled overhead and Willow Tail huffed high above.

“Micah?” Moth Flight blinked away the splinters and gazed into the branches. Red Claw had hauled himself onto his paws and was trembling. Willow Tail lay frozen, her paws wrapped tightly around the bough that had broken her fall. Moth Flight scanned the leaves around them, trying to glimpse Micah’s pelt. A low moan sounded from below the tree. Moth Flight dragged her gaze toward the fallen branch. Among the shriveled leaves and shattered wood, she saw yellow fur.

Dread hollowed her belly. “Micah?” Her throat tightened. Trembling, she crept closer. Don’t let it be him. Once more, she looked up, hoping to see Micah gazing down from the tree, his eyes bright with relief. The moan sounded again. Moth Flight felt sick. She forced herself closer, until she could make out Micah’s twisted body, his hindquarters crushed beneath the splintered wood. His head moved.

He’s alive! Hope soared in her chest. Then his pain-wracked gaze sought hers and held it. She could see his hopeless agony. Grief tore at her heart as she crouched beside him. “What can I do?” she whispered hoarsely.

“Let me feel your breath on my cheek.” His mew was so weak that she had to lean closer to hear. He sighed as her muzzle touched his. “Moth Flight, I don’t want to leave you.”

“Then don’t!” Desperation filled her plea. “We can drag you out.”

“No, Moth Flight. My spine is crushed.”

“You don’t know that!”

“I can feel only pain.” He reached for her gaze again, his eyes clouding.

A sob choked her mew. “I can wrap you in comfrey. Cloud Spots says it can mend—”

“Moth Flight.” Micah interrupted, gasping. “Thank you for letting me come with you to Highstones. And for bringing me to the Clans.”

Horror pressed at the edge of Moth Flight’s thoughts. “Don’t say that!” He was talking like this was the end.

“I’m glad I spent this time with you.”

“No!” He mustn’t die! He couldn’t!

“You made sense of my life,” he rasped. “You showed me my destiny.”

“This can’t be your destiny!” Moth Flight fought for breath, her thoughts spiraling into panic. “It’s not fair!”

“I love you.”

“Then don’t leave me!”

“I’ll see you again.” His eyes flickered. “Next half-moon maybe.”

Moth Flight felt a wave of relief. But then she realized what he meant: Next half-moon. He means he’ll see me from StarClan! “No!” The ground swayed beneath Moth Flight’s paws. She thrust her muzzle against Micah’s, longing to feel his warm breath. But she felt nothing. Jerking away, she saw his gaze light for a moment, then grow dull, as though dusk had swept through the forest and swallowed the sunshine. “Micah.” Collapsing, Moth Flight pressed her cheek to his. “Don’t go. I love you!”

Chapter 21, Moth Flight’s Vision.

What is this scene?! Clear Sky is being an asshole like usual, Willow Tail and Red Claw are fighting in trees over an old beef the two had, and Micah falls to his death. This is the funniest scene. I know I’m supposed to take it seriously, but I can’t. It’s too funny and absurd. Blah blah blah Micah is dead. Moth Flight later finds out she’s pregnant with his kittens. She has her kittens and struggles to find a work/life balance. Slate contracts redcough, some sort of chest infection where you cough up blood. She and her friend Spotted Fur go into SkyClan territory to gather up some sap, but are kidnapped by SkyClan. The crazed maniac Clear Sky holds her hostage because he believes Willow Tail is stirring up trouble (he’s right). WindClan comes to save her and they attack SkyClan. Clear Sky rakes his claws across Willow Tail’s eyes, blinding her. As she is dying, she explains that she did stir up trouble because of some old beef with Red Claw. It’s dumb it doesn’t matter. Wind Runner has a horrible neck wound and it’s infected, slowly killing her. Moth Flight drags her mother to the Moonstone, remembering that she had visions of Bluestar, Leafstar, etc. receiving their nine lives from StarClan. Wind Runner, dying, comes back to life and has eight extra lives. She is now Windstar. The other leaders receive their lives too, becoming Riverstar, Skystar, Thunderstar, and Shadowstar. At the next half moon meeting, newly appointed medicine cat Acorn Fur of SkyClan announces that she has feelings for Red Claw and wishes to share a nest with him. Moth Flight shoots down her dreams in one of the most rage-inducing scenes. Just read this shit

Acorn Fur snorted. “Red Claw’s the same! He asked me not to treat the scratch on his muzzle. I told him not to be silly. What if it got infected?” She purred suddenly, her eyes glistening with affection. “I didn’t realize Red Claw was such a kind cat. He’s changed since the battle. I think making peace with Willow Tail has softened him.”

A teasing glint flashed in Dappled Pelt’s gaze. “You sound like you’re in love.”

Acorn Fur looked away shyly. “We have been getting close,” she admitted. “We’ve even talked about sharing a nest.”

Cloud Spots purred. “It looks like Moth Flight won’t be the only medicine cat with kits.”

No!” Moth Flight stiffened, surprised at the harshness of her mew. Pebble Heart blinked at her. Dappled Pelt and Cloud Spots narrowed their eyes.

“What’s wrong?” Acorn Fur tipped her head uneasily. Moth Flight’s throat tightened. Grief swelled in her chest. “Are you worried I’ll lose him like you lost Micah?” Acorn Fur pressed. “You were unlucky. Not all relationships end like that. I mean, I’m sorry yours did, but it doesn’t mean Red Claw will—”

Moth Flight glared at her. “You don’t understand!” The walls echoed the sharpness of her voice. The fear and uncertainty that had nagged at her since Windstar had been hurt hit her like an icy blast of wind. She gripped the stone with her claws, bracing herself against the emotion sweeping over her. “No medicine cat should have kits! They shouldn’t even take a mate!”

Acorn Fur stared at her. “But you did!”

Moth Flight’s mouth dried as she gazed back at the SkyClan cat. “I was wrong.” Her mew cracked.

“What do you mean?” Pebble Heart’s eyes rounded with worry.

“I can’t be a mother and a medicine cat,” Moth Flight sobbed. “Spider Paw nearly drowned. I pulled him from the river. He wasn’t breathing.” She stared at the others wildly. “I was so scared, I didn’t know what to do! A medicine cat can’t be like that!”

“But you saved him,” Pebble Heart pointed out.

“Micah saved him!” Moth Flight confessed. “He spoke to me and told me what to do. I was frozen with terror! If Micah hadn’t told me what to do, I would have watched my kit die.” Her flanks heaved as her breathing quickened. She felt Pebble Heart’s tail smoothing her spiked fur, but she went on. “I spend half my time terrified that my kits might die while I’m looking after my Clan, and the other half terrified a Clanmate might die while I’m looking after my kits. StarClan sent me a sign that let me save Windstar. But what if they’d sent it earlier, while I was rescuing Spider Paw? I would have missed it! Windstar could be dead. And we’d have never discovered that leaders should have nine lives.”

Cloud Spots lifted his chin. “StarClan would have sent another sign! They’d have made sure you saw it.”

“You don’t know that! We can’t risk it!” Moth Flight’s eyes grew hot as she glared at Acorn Fur. “You can’t have kits with Red Claw. You mustn’t even share his nest. You must live only for your Clan. It’s the only way to stay strong.”

Acorn Fur’s eyes flashed angrily in the darkness. “That’s easy for you to say. You’ve had a mate. You’ve got kits!”

Moth Flight shifted her paws, the stone walls pressing in around her. “I can’t do it anymore!”

Pebble Heart stiffened beside her. “Are you going to stop being a medicine cat?”

“No.” Moth Flight gasped as sorrow plunged thorn-sharp claws deep into her heart. “Being a medicine cat is my destiny. It’s what I was always supposed to be. The Clans depend on me. Half Moon told me.”

Pebble Heart’s eyes glowed darkly in the half-light. “What are you going to do?”

The earth seemed to tremble beneath Moth Flight’s paws. The pain she’d felt at Micah’s death seemed to open in her chest, pouring out grief sharper than any she could imagine. “I’m going to give up my kits.”

Ch 35

This is why this book is widely hated in fandom. This makes no sense! There are so many cats in WindClan. You’re telling me that there wasn’t anyone else besides Rocky, the catnip addict, and Slate, the sick depressed widow, who could have looked after the kittens while Moth Flight was working? Because her danger-prone kittens keep getting in trouble, she forbids every generation after her from having families because “it’s too hard.” This is the real reason why this book exists- to justify this stupid “no families for the cat nuns” rule. This is the only substantial thing Moth Flight invents and it’s the worst aspect of medicine cats.

I spend half my time terrified that my kits might die while I’m looking after my Clan, and the other half terrified a Clanmate might die while I’m looking after my kits.

There are other cats in the Clan who would be delighted to look after your kittens. Jagged Peak is right there! He was shown to love babysitting in DotC! Just ask him! There are so many cats in the your Clan, Moth Flight! This justification that a medicine cat may not be able to choose between a dying Clanmate or their dying kitten is asinine! For one, the cats will always go out of their way to save a kitten. There are usually more than just one medicine cat in each Clan, especially in the modern timeline. Hell, a cat can bring the kitten to another medicine cat in a different Clan if their medicine cat is busy. This is not a valid excuse! In modern day, ThunderClan has Daisy, a wonderful cat whose sole job is looking after the kittens of the Clan. She would never let any harm come to a kitten. And why does this rule only apply to kittens? Medicine cats still have families. They have parents, siblings, and hell, even mentors. In The Power of Three, Leafpool was too busy have Cinderpelt flashbacks to heal Cinderpaw when she broke her leg. It was up to her son, Jaypaw/feather, to heal her. Leafpool’s affection toward her long dead mentor prevented her from doing her job! However, her working alongside her son didn’t hinder her at all. This whole “medicine cats can’t have kittens because it’ll be too hard to choose family over duty and vice versa” is too stupid and I’ll never understand why the Erins are deadset on keeping it. I wouldn’t even be too mad about it if it was a religious reason why this rule exist. A lot of religions have dumb-fuck rules that don’t logically make sense, but because they exist for spiritual reasons or whatever they get a pass. This is not what this rule is though. It all stems from Moth Flight being shit at balancing her life! It’s horrible!

And then there’s the whole “I must give up my kittens” thing that she does that will never make sense to me. She has four kittens and gives one of them to each
Clan except her own because she receives a sign from Micah about scattering the petals of the blazing star or whatever the fuck who gives a shit I hate this! “Yeah let me just traumatize my children by splitting them up and not telling them why because the gods said so.” Makes perfect sense.

Relief washed Moth Flight’s pelt. She knew how hard Acorn Fur’s decision must have been. She thought, with a rush of love, of her first moon with Micah. The memory still warmed her. She couldn’t imagine her life, never having known such love. Or worse, having known it but knowing she must refuse it.

Softly, she pressed against Acorn Fur. “Tending to your Clan will give you all the joy and warmth and love that you need,” she murmured, hoping it was true. “Give your heart to them.” She blinked at Half Moon. “It must always be this way.”

Half Moon nodded. “In the future, medicine cats may never take a mate. They must never have kits.”

Gray Wing swished his tail. “Their loyalty will rest only with StarClan and their Clanmates.”

Around them, StarClan murmured with approval, their mews echoing beneath the starless sky. Watching them, Moth Flight caught sight of Micah at last. His gaze was fixed on her, brimming with affection. She returned it, her heart twisting with sorrow. I’m sorry, my love. But while I live, I must give you up. She had sent her kits away so she could be the best medicine cat she could be. She couldn’t share her dreams with Micah any more. Her dreams belonged to StarClan now. Every hair in her pelt, every beat of her heart, every breath belonged to them

Ch 37

“Your loyalty belongs to StarClan.” The Clans are a cult. This confirms it. This book sucks. I hate it. I hate this messaging and I hate what they did to Moth Flight and her story. As soon as she met up with Micah, her ADHD vanishes and she becomes a boring, annoying, and infuriating character. Her story was so simple and they mutilated it into this hot mess. 2/10. God awful.


The Dragon War Trilogy ::OLD::